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SKU: 020720241

Discover the excellence of the Peruvian onion: incomparable freshness, vibrant flavor and premium quality. The Peruvian onion has managed to earn a prominent place in the kitchen


At World Commerce, our onion is our flagship product, subjected to a special process to guarantee its freshness and quality in each export.

  • Common name: Onion
    Scientific name: Allium cepa L.


    Amaryllidaceae (Liliaceae)
    Origin: Central Asia
    Natural Regions:

    Costa or chala, yunga and quechua.

    (At 3500 meters above sea level).


    Sweet yellow (Export), Granex 33,

    Texas Early Grain 502, Bermuda.

    Vegetative Period: 4 months
    Presentation: Bags of 5 Kg., 10 Kg., 15 Kg., 20 Kg., 25 Kg., 46 Kg.


  • We pack onions in red meshes of 46. Kg and 5kg. We adjust to the client's request according to the consumption habits of their target market.

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